Y10 Urban Issues and Challenges (Summer 2019)

CW                    DATE:








In this unit you will study the following:

  1. Global Patterns of Urban Change
  2. Urban Growth in a City in a Newly Emerging Economy
  3. Urban Change in UK Cities
  4. Urban Sustainability

Each of the above topics will be examined in your finals.

Key Ideas developed in this Unit:

What If...

CW                    DATE: 25th April 2019


Introduction - The Urban World

Source Sheet - Here



Read the following text. Use it to draft your own definition of "Urbanisation". Use the sentence starter below the text to help you...

Sentence Starter:
"Urbanisation is a process in which..."

Finish your paragraph with the following...

"As the world's population has increased, so too has the proportion of people living in urban areas."

In 2018, for the first time, the balance of people living in RURAL and URBAN tipped toward URBAN. There are now more people living in towns and cities than in the rural (countryside) areas of the planet.


Urban Related to built up areas i.e. towns and cities
Urbanisation the process in which an increasing proportion of a population lives in urban areas.
Urbanised - The state of being urban.


1. Study the graph showing the increase in the population of the world.
On your own copy, highlight (three) key parts of the graph to show how the population has changed since 1000CE.

Use your highlights and data from the graph to write a description of global population change since 1000 CE (Remember to include dates, rates and values)

Sentence starter:

The world's population has grown dramatically since 1000 CE. Compared to 1000CE, the world's population is ........ times greater. However, the growth has not been even. Instead...

2. The rate of urbanisation has also varied over time and space. Today, different parts of the world have different proportions of their populations living in towns and cities.

 Using the map below...

a. Which region/s of the world are most urbanised?
b. Which region/s are least urbanised?

Copy the following:

Urbanisation around the World

  • In most HICs, over 60% of the population lives in cities.
  • In South and East Asia about 50% of the population live in cities.
  • With the exception of 6 countries all African nations have urban populations of more than 20% (The average is close to 40%).
The rate of urbanisation also varies from region to region...

From Here NL 30th April 2019

c. Study graph c on pp 149 of the text. Describe the differences in Urbanisation rates show by the different lines.

Model answer (after student practice):
Notice the overall info and the use of data manipulation and links between data sets shown on the graph:

Globally since 1950, the urban population has increased by c40%.

It has been most marked in the least developed countries, however, where the total amount over the period of the graph is 47%. Notable, though, these areas currently have the smallest proportion of urban population in the world. The largest urban populations are instead in the most developed countries (currently about 85% compared to c53% in 1950). Overall the gap in urban populations between the less developed countries (including the least developed) and the most developed is closing. In 1950 it was c34% and now it is 15% ie the gap has halved.

PLENARY Discussion:

To what extent do you think that Urbanisation is an inevitable consequence of Population Growth?

Environmentally, do you think it is better to live in Urban or Rural Areas? Why?

Which of these types of settlement are likely to be classified as Urban?

  • Hamlet
  • Village
  • Small town
  • Big town (>10,000 people)
  • City
  • Conurbation


Review, prior to next lesson, the photocopied source provided. Select two facts that appeal to you and be ready to outline them to the class NL.

See pp 72/3 of the Pocket Revision Guide

CW                    DATE: 2nd May 2019

Urban World


From your HW (set last lesson), outline one of the two facts that appealed to you... include a Geographical comment or observation about it.
Already done :)

In the last lesson, we identified what Urbanisation is (ie a process in which an increasing proportion of populations are living in urban settlements - Towns and cities). We further recognise that it is a process that is continuing steadily and that, globally, we have now reached a situation in which over half of the population is now classified as Urban. 

The rate of urbanisation is not even accross global rergions... today, it is higher in LICs comapared to HICs as a general pattern, but even here, some regions are increasing faster than others. For example Africa, although the least urbanised continent has the fastest increase.


  • Urban - A built up area/settlement such as a town or city.
  • Urbanisation - The process in which an increasing proportion of a population lives in Urban settlements
  • Urbanised - A place that has become Urban

Activities from the text:

1. Using the bar graph D, state which continent will have the biggest change in its share of world urban population by 2050. 

Hint: Take care with this question... read it carefully!

2. After reading page 150, suggest why Asian countries like India and China are likely to have a higher urban population percentage in 2050 compared to 2000.

3. Write a short article giving examples of how the process of urbanisation has happened at different rates, times and places. Use all the information from pp 148 and 150 to assist you.


In pairs, share a discussion that uses each of the following three words:

  • Urban
  • Urbanisation
  • Urbanised


13.1 Practice question - HERE
Alternative for printing - HERE


Consider the factors leading to the rapid urbanisation in some places today (i.e. NEEs and LICs)... do these same factors operate in the HICs of the World? Did they ever? Why don't they now?

Key ideas:

  • Earlier industrialisation
  • Rural to Urban migration
  • Natural Population Growth
  • Age structures and fertility
  • Transport infrastructure

CW              DATE: 14th May 2019

Cover work:
Title: The Emergence of Megacities.

(Ref. Geog GCSE Text pp 150/151)

1. Intro task: 
Explain what a Megacity is (see pp 151 - Top of page)

2. Complete the activities 1, 2 and 3 on pp 151 (ensure that answers are fully explained and structured as full, subject inclusive sentences).

3. Attempt the Exam Practice Question on pp 151

4. Plenary:
Define the following key terms:

Natural Increase - 
Rural to Urban Migration - 
Push and Pull Factors - 
Dharavi, Mumbai - 

The Emergence of Megacities

In pairs, share a discussion that uses each of the following three words:

  • Urban
  • Urbanisation
  • Urbanised



  • Megacity - A city with over 10 million inhabitants.
  • Natural Increase - The increase of population due to BR>DR
  • Rural to Urban Migration - Movement of people from the countryside to towns and cities.
  • Push and Pull Factors - Factors encouraging people to leave the countryide (push) and go to cities (Pull)
  • Dharavi, Mumbai - A slum quarter of the Indian city of Mumbai


1. Write three sentences each using one of the following words or a paragraph that employs all of them:

  • Urban
  • Urbanisation
  • Urbanised

2. Notes:

A "Megacity" = a city with a population in excess of 10 million.

Currently (2015) 
there are about 28 "Megacities" with many more predicted to emerge by 2030...

More than half of the world's population now live in urban areas and cities are continuing to grow... WHY? 

a. Due to Natural Increase (ie Where Birth Rate exceeds Death Rate).

b. Because of Rural to Urban Migration

a. High Natural increase in Urban Areas

Tends to be high in urban centres due to the relatively younger populations there (a high proportion of 18 to 35 age group). The process works in three ways...

  1. Younger population means that BR will be     high as this group are having families. 
  2. Younger population means DR tend to be lower due to small proportion of old people.
  3. Increasing Modernity/Development - Other factors such as improvements in health care can lead to high Natural Increase of population in cities. 

Each of the above factors tend, today, to be especially significant in urban areas in LICs and NEEs. 

In HICs, these patterns and causes were more important in the past when urbanisation was first taking place there. Today, urbanisation in HICs tends to be slow or in decline (Counter-Urbanisation - the process in which the proportion of people in urban areas is declining).

b. Rural to Urban migration is the process in which people from the countryside move to cities. It results from the operation of PUSH and PULL factors...

3. Describe the distribution of the World megacities (see map pp 151)

4. What is meant by Push and Pull factors?

5. Using examples, describe the operation of PUSH factors
6. Using examples, describe the operation of PULL factors.

(Q. What do you notice about the relationship between Push and Pull factors?)

"Sunita's story (fig B) on pp 150... but first Dharavi - HERE

a. Give three factors that might explain why Sumita's family moved to Dharavi in Mumbai.

b. Explain whether these are PUSH or PULL factors.

c. Complete questions 2 and 3 from page 151.


Outline how the distribution of Megacities is expected to change by 2030?

Hot Deserts - Knowledge Grid 2 (see classroom for guidance)

Stretch and Challenge:

SKILL - describing distributions and changing distributions.

1. Using the map on pp 151, describe the global distribution of megacities in 2015.

2. As above, but for 2030.

3. Suggest reasons for the changes you have identified in 1 and 2 above.

Way of Dharavi - HERE
*Kevin McCloud (first 20 minutes)

CW           Date: 


Why is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Growing so Rapidly?

Source sheets - HERE

Entry Activity:
To what extent do migrants to Mumbai like Sunita's family make a positive contribution to the city?

Intro - Vids: HERE and HERE*

Where is Rio and what is it like?

Answer this question using the source images provided and the text book pp 152.

1. What natural benefits of Rio's site and situation have contributed to its growth?

2. Explain three factors that you think have contributed to Rio's popularity as a tourist destination.

3. Briefly describe and compare the main zones in Rio.

4. Complete activity 3 from the text pp 153.

5. Study the textbook pp 152 and 153 and the article provided about Favelas.

To what extent do you think that rural to urban migration has been responsible for the growth and racial make up of Rio de Janeiro.

Why has the city grown?
Where have migrants come from? Just Brazil or other countries?
How have migrants influenced Rio's racial composition?
To what extent have migrants moving into Favela's been the driving force in Rio's growth and how have they affected its racial make up?

23rd May 2019Alternative approach to Issues Facing Rio... Knowledge Organiser - HERE

CW              DATE: 23rd May 2019

Challenges in Rio


Intro - Vid:  HERE*
(Play out of Citrix for better quality).

The rapid growth of Mega cities, largely driven by rural to urban migration, has brought with it many problems connected with the inability of services and infrastructure to keep up with the growth. 

These problems are exacerbated by the spread of Favelas (shanty settlements) built by new arrivals because there is not enough affordable housing for them in the cities.


Favela - Shanty Town (In Brazil)

Infrastructure - The network of services such as water and power supplies that serve areas.

Social factors - To do with people eg health, quality of life, education etc


Show the following out of Citrix

Flip side - Military patrols (1.50) - HERE
BBC Rocinha (2.30) - HERE
Social Problems in Rocinha - HERE

Classroom shared source sheet HERE

Alternative approach to Issues Facing Rio... Knowledge Organiser - HERE

Introducing Rio learning check


CW                    DATE: 
                           2nd November 2018

Hot Deserts III - Learning Check

Social Issues facing Rio - feedback 

What are the social issues facing Rio?
Not done as most of class had not brought their work...

Feedback/workcheck - HERE



Economic Issues Facing Rio de Janeiro 

Entry Activity:
Copy the following Introduction:

Wealth created by industrial growth in Rio has led to investment and improvement in Rio's roads, transport services and environment. Efforts to improve the Favelas has led to improvements in the quality of life of many of the cities inhabitants. Growing economic prosperity has attracted large international companies to Rio from other parts of Brazil and South America as well as from other regions of the world. All these developments have created a range of new economic opportunities in the formal economy. 

List the key terms below and write a definition for each in your own words:

Key Terms:
Quality of life - 
The general well-being of a person or societydefined in terms of health and happiness, rather than wealth.
Standard of living - the amount of goods and services produced and available to purchase by a person, family, group, or nation. It doesn’t measure non-material characteristics, such as relationships, freedom, and satisfaction. 
Economic opportunities - Chances for people to improve their standard of living through employment.

Formal economy - The type of employment where people work to receive a regular wage, pay tax and have certain rights such as paid holidays and sick pay.

(note... do you know the divisions of industry ie Primary, secondary, tertiary?)

Worksheet - HERE
Most got upto Q 3 - Finishing NL


In pairs, attempt the following questions... BUG them, paraphrase and write using PEEL - Open Book.


CW                    DATE: 9th November 2018

Improving Rio's Environment

Source/worksheet - HERE


Study the infographic on the source sheet... Which of the environmental challenges are caused by the physical geography of Rio's situation and which are due to humans?

From the Ecosystems Unit... can you recall what Eutrophication is?

Wikipedia - HERE

The specific environmental problems facing Rio are due to both physical geographical conditions of the city as well as human activity.



1. Complete the activities on the source sheet HERE

Activities to complete NL

2. Using the image provided and the map on the source sheet, identify the environmental problems that you believe Rio must deal with as a priority, mark/annotate them onto your image and then explain the reasons you believe these should be tackled first (pp3 of source doc).

3. Carry out prep for Hot Desert Assessment next week (pp 74/75)... including answering the examination practice question using the Badia in Jordan as your example.

Feedback about the priority issues and why.

Deserts independent learning pp 74/75

English Examination 
CW                    DATE:
                           12th November 2018

Improving Rio's Environment (cont)

Complete the tasks on the source sheet provided last session.

Plenary when all are ready.




Independent study for Hot Desert IV (Learning Check on Friday)

Revision for forthcoming Geog. exams.

Practice questions available for interp/planning practice (below).


Using the image provided and the map on the source sheet, identify the environmental problems that you believe Rio must deal with as a priority, mark/annotate them onto your image and then explain the reasons you believe these should be tackled first (pp3 of source doc).


CW                    DATE:
                                      23rd November 2018

Managing the growth of Rio de Janeiro's Favelas

Favelas Source sheet - HERE PO at A3ENTRY TASK:

What are the environmental problems facing Rio?


From discussion last lesson we were considering which of Rio's environmental problems should be dealt with first... one of the things raised in that discussion is the role that Favelas play in the environmental issues facing the city e.g. pollution, problems of communications, lack of space etc.

Today's lesson investigates Favelas in greater detail as a precursor to learning about the strategies employed to deal with the issue of squatter settlements.


Favela - 


Complete the "Knowledge Board - Favelas in Rio de Janeiro." HERE



Assess the improvements made to the Favelas in Rio since 1980. Who do you think have been the greatest beneficiaries of the changes: the favela populations or the city authorities? Explain.
20 marks

Scaffolding and Planning Doc - HERE

CW                    DATE: 26th November 2018

Dealing with Rio's Squatter Settlements

Assess the improvements made to the Favelas in Rio since 1980. Who do you think have been the greatest beneficiaries of the changes: the favela populations or the city authorities? Explain.
20 marks

Essays... what are they good for?

Despite earlier denial of the existence of Favelas, the city authorities in Rio have since the mid 1980s been engaged in programmes to manage squatter settlements. However, the issues facing them are substantial and the approaches have varied over time. There is some discussion about the most effective approaches and strategies to be employed.

In this session you will investigate the approaches and make a judgement about their effectiveness. This judgment will need to be made in the context of the actual issues linked to squatter settlements and who actually benefits from the changes.

City Authorities - The formal governmet of the city (Rio de Janeiro)
Beneficiarya person who derives advantage from something (in this case the changes affecting the Favelas in Rio)


To complete this section of the course, you are going to research, plan and write an essay.

Use the sources provided to guide you through the process.

Planning framework - HERE

This work will take place over two lessons and one HW.

Deadline is 30th November 2018

Process feedback... issues and problems/questions?


Complete planning/research.
If ready, produce a draft.

Assess the improvements made to the Favelas in Rio since 1980. 

Consider several options or arguments and weigh them up so as to come to a conclusion about their effectiveness or validity.


  • What options have been used to improve the Favelas?
  • How successful have the different approaches been (make a judgment and provide evidence)
  • Which option do you thinks has proved to be the best? 
  • How could the Favelas be dealt with more effectively?
  • What constrains the effective management of squatter settlements?

Who do you think have been the greatest beneficiaries of the changes: the favela populations or the city authorities? Explain.

Is it the city authorities or the favela populations? Choose one, but offer reasons for your viewpoint (no wrong answers here provided you can justify)

20 marks

Command - Explain. Focus on how different types of migrants have impacted on Rio's growth and racial make-up

Consider how growth would be stimulated by the following and how these factors would affect the racial make up of the city:

  • Rio's role as capital before the new capital Brasilia was constructed.
  • Rio's status as centre of tertiary education.
  • Rio's port facilities.
  • Role of tourism.
  • Push factors from other parts of Brazil.
  • Pull factors attracting people from other parts of the world.

Attempt the following question... BUG it, paraphrase and write using PEEL

Command - Explain. Focus on why Rio faces so many social challenges.


  • Growth rate of Rio compared with the ability of the city to develop infrastructure.
  • Illegal and unplanned growth (Favelas).
  • Many migrants are from poorer parts of Brazil. They have a range of social issues.
  • Juxtaposition of very rich and very poor.
  • Impact on Rio's economy and ability to deal with problems of the recent global recession.

CW           Date:


NL: Student FB of answers above. Completions for HL

        Fb re learning check

then... improving Rio's environment... pp158

CW        Date: 11x 11th December 2017
                        11w 13th December 2017


Entry Activity:
Feedback/return learning check 2 re. Hot Deserts
Student fb re. exam practice questions (from prev. lesson)...

CW           Date:

Home Learning - Vacation

Entry Task:
The graph below shows the growth of Favelas since the 1950s compared to the total population of Brazil. Describe the changes.

Favelas are illegal squatter settlements constructed by people on land that they do not own. initially, structures may be made of any materials that are available either for free or very cheaply. Over time, they may be improved and made more permanent.

Typically, Favelas (and other squatter settlements across the world) are places of great social deprivation.

People moving into Favelas are often escaping poverty in other parts of Brazil. For example, many people have left the drought-ridden North-East of Brazil (environmental push factor). People move into the cities in search of work (Pull factor). Because these migrants are mostly young, the BR in favelas is higher than in the more wealthy areas of Rio.

Explain in what ways favelas are socially deprived.

Suggest why 85% of Favelas are located in the suburbs or outskirts of Rio and few are in the centre (two reasons).

What is the evidence that Favelas such as Rocinha can become better places to live? How have these improvements been achieved?

Complete the following:

Vacation Assignment Booklet - HERE

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